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Press Statement No. 21-2024 (OCC)_PDRM Raid on GISB’s Care Homes: CC Troubled for Child Victims Involved

KUALA LUMPUR (13 SEPTEMBER 2024) – Children’s Commissioner, Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), Dr Farah Nini Dusuki (CC) expressed her deep sadness on the news pertaining to the special operation carried out in care homes associated to ‘Global Ikhwan Service and Business Holding’ (GISB). The investigation by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) revealed that the child victims in the homes were not only groomed to sodomise but also were sexually assaulted by the wardens and forced to assault other children. The children recorded by PDRM numbered at 402 from 20 care homes around Selangor and Negeri Sembilan respectively. Therefore, CC is gravely appalled on the underreported cases of children being assaulted in actuality owing to the rampancy of GISB operating nationwide in Malaysia and globally.

CC expressed her gratitude to PDRM and partners namely, the Social Welfare Department (JKM), the Ministry of Health (KKM) and the Malaysian Chemical Department for their swift action to save the child victims in this case. However, based on the Media Conference Notes (OP Global) by PDRM yesterday, it is understood that the total number of police reports against GISB stood at 41 cases, made between 2011 until September 7, 2024. Therefore, CC is heedful of the outcome of the investigation and the subsequent actions that have been taken by PDRM against GISB since 2011.

However, the CC’s immediacy for this case is acting for best interests of all child victims with regard to the insistence of all victim handling processes including investigations into the acquisition of criminal evidence against perpetrators should be child friendly. In addition, counseling and psychological treatment services for child victims must be provided, ensuring a smooth recovery from their trauma and channeling them to a new chapter in life.

CC believes that a family-based care system should be prioritized for the care of all child victims, rather than placing them in overcrowded children’s homes, which could further exacerbate their trauma. Additionally, CC stresses the importance of providing continuous counseling to all child victims to accurately assess the impact of the abuse and offer an appropriate rehabilitation plan tailored to their needs.

The crime and exploitation against children committed behind the facade of religion is grotesquely shocking to say the least. CC is further aggrieved on the fact that the care homes have been running for years undetected. Moreover, CC calls for JKM to ensure that all childcare centers must not only be registered but also diligently and responsibly monitored. Tragedies akin to this, including the recent death of 8-month-old Muhamad Al Fateh Amri in a nursery, could have been avoided if monitoring was conducted closely by the authorities. Taking into account the capacity and resource constraints of JKM, the responsibility to conduct monitoring should also be extended to the local councils, with regard to their municipal role in respective localities.

To that, the CC urges an establishment of special committee by the National Security Council to study and formulate an integrated strategy to deal with the recurrence of such crimes in all institutions involving children, especially in daycare centers. Additionally, CC calls for the formation of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident. The inquiry’s findings would guide meaningful reforms of any failing institutions or systems, ultimately laying the groundwork for a comprehensive child protection framework.

Hereafter, raids should be conducted at all children shelter homes and day care centers to ensure strict compliance of all childcare institutions with the standards prescribed by JKM.


Dr Farah Nini Dusuki
Children’s Commissioner
The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) 

13 September 2024



KUALA LUMPUR (13 SEPTEMBER 2024) – Pesuruhjaya Kanak-kanak, Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM), Dr Farah Nini Dusuki (CC) menzahirkan kekesalan terhadap modus operandi oleh rumah-rumah amal yang dikatakan ada kaitan dengan ‘Global Ikhwan Service and Business Holding’ (GISB) sepertimana yang dilaporkan oleh pihak media tempohari. Siasatan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) mendedahkan bahawa mangsa kanak-kanak di rumah-rumah amal tersebut bukan sahaja diajar dan dididik cara untuk meliwat, malahan mereka turut  diliwat oleh penjaga dan seterusnya dipaksa untuk meliwat penghuni kanak-kanak yang lain. Seramai 402 kanak-kanak daripada 20 rumah amal di sekitar Selangor dan Negeri Sembilan telah berjaya diselamatkan oleh pihak PDRM. CC berasa sangat hiba membayangkan jumlah sebenar mangsa kanak-kanak yang terlibat dalam jenayah penderaan seksual tersebut kerana GISB diketahui umum bergerak secara aktif di seluruh Malaysia dan di peringkat global.

CC merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak PDRM dan rakan strategik yang terdiri daripada Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) dan Jabatan Kimia Malaysia atas tindakan pantas mereka menyelamatkan kanak-kanak yang menjadi mangsa dalam kes ini. Berdasarkan Nota Sidang Media (OP Global) oleh pihak PDRM, difahamkan bahawa sebanyak 41 laporan polis telah dibuat terhadap GISB sejak 2011 hingga 7 September 2024, dan CC memohon agar pihak PDRM dapat memaklumkan mengenai hasil siasatan dan tindakan yang telah diambil terhadap laporan-laporan tersebut.

Sebagai entiti yang bertanggungjawab untuk mempromosi dan melindungi hak kanak-kanak di Malaysia, fokus utama CC adalah untuk memastikan kepentingan terbaik kesemua mangsa kanak-kanak ini. Oleh yang demikian, CC ingin menegaskan akan kepentingan untuk semua proses pengendalian mangsa kanak-kanak termasuk siasatan terhadap pemerolehan bukti jenayah terhadap pemangsa dilaksanakan mengikut prosedur yang sewajarnya yang bersifat mesra kanak-kanak (‘child-friendly’). Selain itu, rawatan kaunseling dan psikologi terhadap mangsa kanak-kanak perlu dipastikan dapat membantu memulihkan trauma kanak-kanak dan membolehkan mereka membuka lembaran hidup yang baharu.

CC juga berpandangan bahawa bagi halatuju penjagaan kesemua kanak-kanak selepas ini,  sistem penjagaan berdasarkan keluarga (‘family based-care’) adalah disyorkan kerana petempatan di rumah kanak-kanak yang sesak berisiko menambah trauma kepada kanak-kanak. Selain itu, CC menekankan supaya kaunseling yang berterusan diberikan kepada kanak-kanak bagi mengenalpasti sejauh mana impak penderaan yang berlaku memberi kesan terhadap mereka, dan mekanisme pemulihan sesuai dapat dijalankan ke atas kanak-kanak.

Jenayah dan eksploitasi terhadap kanak-kanak yang berselindung di sebalik nama agama sebegini adalah amat memalukan. CC amat terkilan kerana rumah-rumah amal tersebut berjaya beroperasi bertahun lamanya tanpa dapat dikesan aktiviti tidak bermoral yang dijalankan.  Bagi mengelakkan tragedi seumpama ini berulang, CC menyeru pihak JKM untuk sentiasa memastikan agar semua pusat jagaan kanak-kanak bukan hanya perlu berdaftar, tetapi turut dipantau rapat dengan penuh bertanggungjawab. Tragedi seperti ini termasuk insiden kematian yang berlaku terhadap bayi berumur 8 bulan, Muhamad Al Fateh Amri di taska baru-baru ini dapat dielakkan jika pemantauan rapi dibuat oleh pihak berwajib. CC mengambil maklum mengenai isu kekangan kapasiti oleh pihak JKM dan menyarankan agar tanggungjawab pemantauan ini dapat dijalankan dengan kerjasama majlis-majlis perbandaran setempat secara menyeluruh di lokaliti masing-masing.

CC menggesa agar satu jawatankuasa khas ditubuhkan di peringkat Majlis Keselamatan Negara bagi mengkaji mengenai strategi bersepadu yang boleh dirangka untuk menangani jenayah sebegini dan langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil bagi memastikan ia tidak berulang terutamanya di semua institusi yang melibatkan kanak-kanak, khususnya di pusat jagaan dan asuhan. Selain itu, CC menyeru agar satu Suruhanjaya Inkuiri Diraja ditubuhkan bagi menyiasat insiden ini agar hasil dapatan inkuiri dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai panduan untuk reformasi institusi dan seterusnya membantu mewujudkan suatu sistem perlindungan kanak-kanak yang lebih holistik.

CC juga memohon agar suatu Operasi Khas dibuat untuk menggempur rumah amal kanak-kanak serta pusat asuhan bagi memastikan kesemua institusi ini mematuhi piawaian ditetapkan oleh JKM.


Dr Farah Nini Dusuki
Pesuruhjaya Kanak-Kanak

Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
13 September 2024

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Press Statement No. 20-2024_SUHAKAM Demands Justice, Transparency and Government Action on Enforced Disappearances

KUALA LUMPUR (31 AUGUST 2024) – In conjunction with International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances on 30th August, SUHAKAM reaffirms its unwavering commitment to advocating for the rights of victims and their families. We emphasize the urgent need for accountability, transparency and justice in all cases of enforced disappearances, including those highlighted in our previous inquiries, such as the cases of Pastor Raymond Koh, Amri Che Mat, and the subsequent inquiry into the disappearances of Joshua Helmi and Ruth Sitepu.

SUHAKAM reiterates its call for the immediate release of the findings of the Task Force established in 2019 to investigate these cases of Pastor Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat. Despite the passage of several years, the lack of transparency regarding the Task Force’s report continues to cause immense distress to the affected families, who remain desperate for answers and closure; and had to resort to the judicial process for the disclosure of the Task Force Report. We strongly believe that public access to the findings of this investigation is essential not only for the purpose of compliance with the principle of transparency but also to achieving justice, fostering public trust, and enabling healing for those affected.

We note with concern that the disappearances of Joshua Helmi and Ruth Sitepu, who were last seen in 2016, have yet to be resolved. In 2019, SUHAKAM commenced an inquiry into their cases, underscoring the ongoing need for comprehensive investigations into all enforced disappearances in Malaysia. The families of Joshua and Ruth, like those of Pastor Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat, continue to live in anguish and uncertainty. We urge the authorities to ensure a thorough and transparent investigation into these cases, as they remain emblematic of the broader issue of enforced disappearances in the country.

SUHAKAM expresses its deepest concern and sympathies to the families of the victims and their loved ones for the grief, anxiety, and sadness arising from the enforced disappearances. We hope that the nation will one day soon ensure that adequate legal recognition and remedies are available for victims of enforced disappearances in the country, thereby demonstrating the government’s commitment to not allow such an unthinkable act to take place, at any time, upon anyone in the country.

SUHAKAM calls on the government to accede to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED).

In line with the guiding principles for the search for disappeared persons, SUHAKAM underscores that all investigations must be conducted under the presumption that the individuals are alive. It is imperative to approach these cases with a comprehensive strategy that respects human dignity and ensures that searches are thorough, independent, and impartial, in accordance with international standards.

We also draw attention to the joint statement by the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) and the Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) on the importance of public disclosure and cooperation among all stakeholders. The statement stresses that enforced disappearances are a crime under international law, and it is crucial for states to take all necessary measures to prevent, investigate, and sanction this grave violation of human rights.

Additionally, SUHAKAM remains dedicated to raising awareness about the mandates of human rights mechanisms and strengthening coordination at local, regional, and global levels to combat enforced disappearances. We will continue our advocacy and awareness-raising efforts, working tirelessly to ensure that such human rights violations do not go unaddressed and that there is accountability for every victim.

SUHAKAM stands resolute in our mission to uphold justice, ensure accountability, and fight against impunity for enforced disappearances. We will not rest until the rights of victims are fully protected, and the perpetrators of these violations are held accountable.


The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
Date: 31 August 2024

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Press Statement No. 19-2024 (OCC)_Hold Parents or Guardians Accountable for Negligent Exposure of Children to Fatal or Injurious Road Accidents

KUALA LUMPUR (17 AUGUST 2024) – The Children’s Commissioner (CC) of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, Dr. Farah Nini Dusuki, has expressed sadness over the recent tragic road accidents involving underage motorcyclists. In an incident, a 12-year-old boy riding a three-wheeled motorcycle caused the death of a 13-month-old toddler in Kubang Kerian. In another, two 13-year-old boys lost their lives after colliding with each other while performing stunts in Elmina.

It was reported that in the first case, the road tax and insurance for the three-wheeled motorcycle had expired. In the second case, the accident occurred at 11:20 p.m. as the two teenagers were performing wheelies. These incidents starkly highlight the failure of parents or guardians to properly monitor their children’s activities, particularly at night.

Under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001, parents or guardians who neglect their child or act negligently in a manner likely to cause the child physical injury, or who permit the child to be neglected, can, upon conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgits, imprisonment for a term not exceeding twenty years, or both.

Additionally, under Section 39(5) of the Road Transport Act 1987, parents or guardians who cause or permit their child under 16 years old to drive a motor vehicle are guilty of an offence and, upon conviction, are liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand ringgits, imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or both.

According to statistics from the Bukit Aman Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department, the number of road deaths and injuries among child motorcycle victims increased in 2023 compared to 2022, especially in the 6 to 10 age range, with cases rising from 97 to 111. The Ministry of Transport (MOT) and Road Transport Department (RTD) are reportedly drafting a new law related to the purchase of motorcycles by unlicensed riders. The CC urges that this draft law be expedited for tabling in the Dewan Rakyat.

In 2019, the police proposed to the MOT and RTD the implementation of a new motorcycle license category, referred to as ‘B3,’ which would restrict individuals aged 16 to 20 years to operating only electric bikes and low-powered mopeds not exceeding 70cc. This proposal was considered, and in 2021, the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) endorsed a recommendation to study the idea. However, the status of this study remains unclear to date. The CC therefore calls on MIROS to provide a clear update on this matter.

The CC firmly reiterates that negligent parents and guardians must be held accountable for their failure to fulfill their duty of care. The deaths of these children were not merely accidents or matters of fate; they could have been prevented if their parents and guardians had exercised proper vigilance.


Dr Farah Nini Dusuki
Children’s Commissioner

The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
17 August 2024


Pastikan Ibu Bapa Atau Penjaga Bertanggungjawab Atas Kecuaian Mendedahkan Kanak-kanak Kepada Kemalangan Maut Atau Kecederaan Di Jalan Raya

KUALA LUMPUR (17 OGOS 2024) – Dr Farah Nini Dusuki, Pesuruhjaya Kanak-Kanak (CC) di Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia berasa dukacita atas tragedi kemalangan jalan raya baru-baru ini melibatkan penunggang motosikal bawah umur. Dalam satu insiden, seorang kanak-kanak berumur 12 tahun menunggang sebuah motosikal roda tiga jenis telah menyebabkan kematian seorang bayi berusia 13 bulan di Kubang Kerian. Dalam satu insiden lain, dua kanak-kanak lelaki berumur 13 tahun maut selepas bertembung antara satu sama lain ketika melakukan aksi menunggang motosikal secara berbahaya di Elmina.

Laporan menyatakan bahawa bagi kes pertama, cukai jalan dan insurans motosikal beroda tiga tersebut telah tamat tempoh. Bagi kes kedua, kejadian berlaku pada jam 11.20 malam ketika dua remaja terbabit melakukan aksi ‘wheelies’. Kedua-dua insiden ini jelas menunjukkan kegagalan ibu bapa atau penjaga dalam memantau aktiviti anak mereka terutamanya pada waktu malam. 

Menurut Seksyen 31(1)(a) Akta Kanak-Kanak 2001, ibu bapa atau penjaga yang mengabaikan anak mereka atau bertindak secara cuai dengan cara yang mungkin akan menyebabkannya anak mereka mengalami kecederaan fizikal atau yang membenarkan anak mereka terabai, boleh, sekiranya disabitkan kesalahan, didenda tidak melebihi lima puluh ribu ringgit atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi dua puluh tahun, atau kedua-duanya.

Tambahan pula, di bawah Seksyen 39(5) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987, ibu bapa atau penjaga yang menyebabkan atau membenarkan anak mereka yang berusia di bawah 16 tahun memandu, suatu kenderaan motor, sekiranya didapati bersalah, boleh dikenakan denda tidak melebihi dua ribu ringgit atau penjara selama tempoh tidak melebihi enam bulan, atau kedua-duanya.

Berdasarkan statistik daripada Jabatan Siasatan dan Penguatkuasaan Trafik Bukit Aman, jumlah kemalangan maut dan kecederaan di jalan raya dalam kalangan kanak-kanak yang menjadi mangsa kemalangan motosikal meningkat pada tahun 2023 berbanding 2022, khususnya pada julat umur kanak-kanak di antara 6 hingga 10 tahun, dengan kes meningkat daripada 97 kepada 111. Kementerian Pengangkutan Malaysia (MOT) dan Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) dilaporkan sedang mendraf satu undang-undang baru berkaitan pembelian motosikal oleh penunggang tidak berlesen. Oleh itu, CC menyeru supaya draf undang-undang tersebut disiapkan dengan segera untuk pembentangan di Dewan Rakyat.

Pada 2019, Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) telah menyarankan pelaksanaan satu kategori lesen baru yang dirujuk sebagai ‘B3’ kepada MOT dan JPJ, yang mana akan mengehadkan individu berusia 16 hingga 20 tahun untuk hanya menggunakan motosikal elektrik dan motosikal ‘moped’ berkuasa rendah tidak melebihi 70cc. Saranan tersebut telah dipertimbangkan, dan pada 2021, Institut Penyelidikan Keselamatan Jalan Raya Malaysia (MIROS) telah menyokong suatu cadangan untuk mengkaji idea tersebut. Walau bagaimanapun, status penyelidikan tersebut masih tidak diketahui hingga kini. Justeru, CC menggesa MIROS supaya memaklumkan dengan jelas berhubung perkembangan kajian tersebut.

CC dengan tegas mengulangi pendirian beliau bahawa ibu bapa dan penjaga yang cuai hendaklah dipertanggungjawabkan atas kegagalan mereka dalam memenuhi peranan mereka sebagai penjaga kanak-kanak. Kematian kanak-kanak yang terbabit bukanlah hanya sekadar suatu kemalangan atau takdir yang tersurat, kerana ia boleh dielakkan sekiranya ibu bapa dan penjaga melaksanakan pemantauan sewajarnya.


Dr Farah Nini Dusuki
Pesuruhjaya Kanak-Kana
Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
17 Ogos 2024

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Press Statement No. 18-2024_SUHAKAM Calls for Greater Transparency in Assault Case Involving Police Escort

KUALA LUMPUR (16 AUGUST 2024) – The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) acknowledges the recent disciplinary action taken by the police against its officer alleged of having assaulted a disabled e-hailing driver in May 2024. Whilst SUHAKAM welcomes the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Razarudin Husain’s announcement that disciplinary action had been taken, nevertheless, we note with concern by the fact the announcement is lacking in particulars and thus we are left in the dark as to what type of punitive action (for example, dismissal, suspension or fine), if any, was taken against the said officer by way of the said ‘disciplinary action’. Or, whether the disciplinary action is still ongoing, and if so when is the disciplinary proceedings to be concluded.

As duty bearers entrusted with the protection of the public, police officers have a profound responsibility to uphold and to protect the rights of all individuals, including persons with disabilities. SUHAKAM reaffirms that any abuse of power by law enforcement officers is unacceptable and stands in direct violation of the principles of justice enshrined in our legal framework and international human rights standards.

The Federal Constitution under Article 8 guarantees equality before the law and equal protection of the law, a principle that must be upheld by all public authorities, including the police and the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC). SUHAKAM urges the AGC, as the guardian of public conscience and the body responsible for criminal prosecution, to expedite the criminal proceedings in this case. A straightforward case of assault under section 323 of the Penal Code. The delay in addressing this serious incident undermines public confidence in the institutions responsible for upholding the Rule of Law and delivering justice.

In line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (entered into force on 2008) (CRPD), to which Malaysia is a party, it is imperative that justice is not only done but is seen to be done, particularly for individuals with special needs. Article 16 of the CRPD calls for the protection of persons with disabilities from all forms of exploitation, violence, and abuse, while Article 13 emphasizes the right to access justice.

In furtherance to the above Convention, at the domestic level our Parliament passed the Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 (Act 685).

SUHAKAM stresses the importance of the principle of transparency and accountability in the handling of this case to ensure that the victim is accorded proper redress and justice that he rightfully deserves in a prompt manner. Justice delayed is justice denied. Furthermore, the public has a right to be informed of the progress of this case, and SUHAKAM calls on the AGC to provide promptly regular updates on the actions being taken.

This incident underscores the urgent need for appropriate training for law enforcement personnel, as mandated by Article 13(2) of the CRPD, to ensure that persons with disabilities are effectively protected from violence and abuse and have unimpeded access to justice.

In addition, article 20 of the Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials (adopted by the United Nations during the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in 1990), emphasises special attention to the issues of police ethics and human rights in the training of law enforcement officials.

By taking prompt and transparent actions, the police and the AGC can assuage public concern that abuse of power will not be tolerated, and that the rights and dignity of all individuals, particularly those with special needs, will be respected and protected.


The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
Date: 16 August 2024

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Press Statement No. 17-2024_SUHAKAM Calls for Immediate Suspension of Evictions and for Humane Solutions in Semporna

KUALA LUMPUR (14 AUGUST 2024) – The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) recently conducted a fact-finding mission to Semporna on 17 and 18 July 2024, following the eviction and demolition activities carried out by the authorities in June 2024. This mission made a disturbing and critical finding: the eviction and relocation processes have been undertaken in an inhumane manner and without adequate consultation with the affected communities, in particular, the indigenous group of people known as Bajau Laut.

The Bajau Laut live primarily at sea and traditionally built their houses on stilts above water. Their culture and livelihood are tied to the sea. A significant number of the Bajau Laut are illiterate, uneducated and impoverished, due to their nomadic seafaring lifestyle. They are a marginalised community. However, be that as it may, they do not deserve to be treated the way they are now being treated by the authorities.

These ongoing evictions have led to severe consequences for the Bajau Laut community, including displacement from their homes and a significant disruption to their livelihoods. Such actions, taken without meaningful consultation, not only disregard the voices of those most affected but also violate the fundamental principles of transparency and respect for human rights and the rights of indigenous people.

SUHAKAM respectfully reminds the authorities responsible for the evictions that Malaysia voted in favour of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP), both at the Human Rights Council and at the General Assembly with no reservations. UNDRIP contains extensive provisions for the recognition and protection of indigenous lands, territories and resources. Although the UNDRIP is stated to be non-binding, there is still a moral obligation and genuine expectation for the Malaysian Government to pursue the standards as stipulated in the UNDRIP.

SUHAKAM urges the immediate suspension of all current eviction operations and activities in Semporna. These evictions, carried out without proper dialogue or engagement with the communities involved, undermine the basic human rights to adequate housing, livelihood and participation in decisions that affect their lives.

In light of these serious concerns, SUHAKAM advocates for the establishment of a dedicated committee comprising community representatives, government officials, and other key stakeholders. This committee should be tasked with devising a fair and sustainable long-term solution that respects the rights and livelihoods of the affected communities while addressing the broader needs of the region and Malaysia as a nation. The committee must be established immediately, and SUHAKAM is prepared to actively participate as a member.

SUHAKAM remains committed to supporting a resolution that not only upholds the human rights of the Bajau Laut and other affected communities in Malaysia but also ensures that future actions in the region are guided by principles of fairness, respect, and inclusivity.


Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
14 August 2024


SUHAKAM Gesa Hentikan Pengusiran dan Segerakan Penyelesaian yang Lebih Berperikemanusiaan di Semporna

KUALA LUMPUR (14 OGOS 2024) – Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM) telah menjalankan misi ke Semporna pada 17 dan 18 Julai 2024 yang lalu berikutan aktiviti pengusiran dan perobohan yang telah dijalankan oleh pihak berkuasa pada Jun 2024. Hasil dapatan SUHAKAM mendapati bahawa proses pengusiran dan penempatan semula telah dijalankan dengan cara yang tidak berperikemanusiaan dan tanpa proses rundingan yang mencukupi dengan masyarakat yang terjejas, khususnya kumpulan orang asal yang dikenali sebagai Bajau Laut.

Orang Bajau Laut kebanyakannya tinggal di laut dan secara tradisinya mereka membina rumah di atas air. Budaya dan mata pencarian mereka sememangnya terikat dengan laut. Sebilangan besar orang Bajau Laut adalah buta huruf, tidak berpendidikan dan miskin, kerana gaya hidup pelaut mereka yang berpindah-randah. Mereka adalah masyarakat yang terpinggir dan tidak seharusnya dilayan sedemikian, sepertimana yang berlaku baru-baru ini.

Pengusiran yang berterusan ini telah mendatangkan kesan yang teruk kepada masyarakat Bajau Laut seperti perpindahan keluar dari rumah mereka sendiri yang menjejaskan mata pencarian mereka. Tindakan tersebut bukan sahaja mengabaikan suara mereka tetapi juga melanggar prinsip asas ketelusan dan penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia dan hak orang asal.

SUHAKAM mengingatkan pihak berkuasa yang bertanggungjawab bahawa Malaysia telah mengundi untuk menyokong Deklarasi Hak Orang Asli Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNDRIP) semasa Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia dan juga Perhimpunan Agung PBB tanpa reservasi. UNDRIP mengandungi peruntukan yang luas untuk pengiktirafan dan perlindungan wilayah dan sumber orang asli/asal. Walaupun UNDRIP merupakan dokumen yang tidak terikat, namun Kerajaan Malaysia wajib untuk patuh kepada piawaian sepertimana yang ditetapkan dalam UNDRIP.

SUHAKAM menggesa penggantungan segera semua operasi dan aktiviti pengusiran yang sedang berlaku di Semporna. Pengusiran yang telah dilakukan tanpa sesi dialog atau penglibatan yang sewajarnya dengan komuniti yang terlibat telah menjejaskan hak asasi manusia kepada hak perumahan yang mencukupi, mengganggu sumber mata pencarian dan menafikan hak untuk membuat keputusan dalam kehidupan mereka.

Oleh yang demikian, SUHAKAM menyokong penubuhan jawatankuasa khas yang terdiri daripada wakil masyarakat, pegawai kerajaan dan pihak berkepentingan. Jawatankuasa ini harus dipertanggungjawabkan untuk merangka penyelesaian jangka panjang yang adil dan mampan serta menghormati hak dan mata pencarian masyarakat yang terjejas di samping memperkasa keperluan lain dengan lebih meluas. Jawatankuasa ini perlu ditubuhkan dengan segera dan SUHAKAM sentiasa bersedia untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam usaha ini.

SUHAKAM kekal komited untuk menyokong resolusi yang bukan sahaja menegakkan hak asasi manusia Bajau Laut dan komuniti lain yang terjejas di Malaysia, tetapi juga memastikan bahawa tindakan masa hadapan di rantau ini harus berpandukan prinsip keadilan, penghormatan dan keterangkuman.


Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
14 Ogos 2024

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Press Statement No. 16-2024 (OCC)_Media Urged to Observe Child Act When Reporting and Publishing About Children

KUALA LUMPUR (13 AUGUST 2024) – The Children’s Commissioner (CC) expresses deep concern over recent media coverage of a 12-year-old boy who drove a car and a 14-year-old girl who posed as a doctor. Both children were portrayed in a distressing manner, despite not being fully accountable for their actions. The boy’s offence resulted from parental negligence, and the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) confirmed that the girl had previously received psychiatric treatment but did not continue with follow-up care.

Section 15(2) of the Child Act 2001 [Act 611] explicitly prohibits the media from reporting or publishing images of children involved in legal conflicts, those under protection and rehabilitation, or those beyond control, at any stage of their case. Violating this section is a criminal offence, punishable by a fine of up to ten thousand ringgit, imprisonment for up to five years, or both, under Section 15(3) of Act 611.

Malaysia, as a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child since 1995, is committed to ensuring that no child is subjected to degrading treatment, even if the child conflicts with the law, as outlined in Article 37 of the Convention. The CC acknowledges that the RMP took measures to protect the identities of the two children; however, the media’s reporting and publication were beyond the RMP’s control.

The CC strongly urges the media to adhere to Act 611 in all reporting involving children. The persistent media violations without reprimand are a serious concern. Therefore, the CC calls for strict enforcement of Section 15 of Act 611 to prevent such incidents from recurring. The CC is prepared to collaborate with the Malaysian Press Institute to provide training for the media on legal literacy concerning children’s rights.


Dr Farah Nini Dusuki
Children’s Commissioner
13 August 2024


Media Digesa Mematuhi Akta Kanak-Kanak dalam Pelaporan dan Penyiaran Media mengenai Kanak-Kanak

KUALA LUMPUR (13 OGOS 2024) – Pesuruhjaya Kanak-Kanak (PKK) melahirkan kebimbangan yang mendalam berhubung liputan media baru-baru ini mengenai seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berusia 12 tahun yang ditahan kerana memandu kereta dan seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berusia 14 tahun yang menyamar sebagai seorang doktor. Kedua-dua kanak-kanak tersebut ditampilkan di media dengan cara yang menyedihkan walaupun mereka tidak sepenuhnya bertanggungjawab di atas tindakan mereka. Kesalahan kanak-kanak lelaki terbabit berlaku disebabkan oleh kecuaian ibu bapanya, sementara Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) telah mengesahkan bahawa kanak-kanak perempuan tersebut pernah menerima rawatan psikiatri namun beliau tidak melakukan rawatan susulan.

Seksyen 15(2) Akta Kanak-Kanak [Akta 611] jelas melarang pihak media daripada melaporkan atau menyiarkan gambar kanak-kanak yang terlibat dalam perundangan, yang dilindungi dan berada dalam pemulihan, atau yang bertindak di luar kawalan, dalam mana-mana tahap kes sekali pun. Pelanggaran kepada peruntukan ini merupakan satu kesalahan jenayah, yang boleh dihukum dengan denda sehingga sepuluh ribu ringgit, penjara hingga lima tahun, atau kedua-duanya sekali, selaras Seksyen 15(2) Akta 611.

Malaysia, sebagai salah sebuah negara pihak kepada Konvensyen mengenai Hak Kanak-Kanak (CRC) sejak tahun 1995 komited dalam memastikan bahawa tiada kanak-kanak dikenakan layanan yang menjatuhkan maruah walaupun kanak-kanak tersebut berkonflik dengan undang-undang, seperti yang digariskan oleh Perkara 37 CRC. Selain itu, PKK juga mengambil maklum bahawa PDRM telah mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya dalam melindungi identiti kanak-kanak yang terbabit, namun pelaporan dan penyiaran media yang berlaku adalah berada di luar kawalan PDRM.

Sehubungan itu, PKK menggesa supaya pihak media mematuhi Akta 611 dalam semua pelaporan yang melibatkan kanak-kanak. Pelanggaran undang-undang yang berterusan oleh pihak media tanpa sebarang tindakan adalah sangat membimbangkan. Oleh itu, PKK menyeru supaya penguatkuasaan yang tegas dibuat kepada Seksyen 15 Akta 611 bagi menghalang insiden seumpama ini daripada berulang. PKK bersedia untuk bekerjasama dengan Institut Akhbar Malaysia (MPI) dalam menyediakan latihan kepada pihak media bagi memberi kefahaman undang-undang berkaitan hak kanak-kanak.


Dr Farah Nini Dusuki
Pesuruhjaya Kanak-Kanak

13 Ogos 2024

Template PS 2024

Press Statement No. 15-2024_SUHAKAM Supports Free Palestine Movement and Condemns Human Rights Violations in Gaza


KUALA LUMPUR (3 AUGUST 2024) – The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) expresses its support for the Free Palestine Rally to be held on 4 August 2024, organised by the Malaysian government at Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil. The rally, where Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will deliver a keynote speech, is a significant platform for highlighting the ongoing human rights violations in Palestine.

SUHAKAM is always consistent in demonstrating solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation. The commission is deeply concerned about the recent escalation of violence, particularly the vile and wicked assassination of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran Iran, a sovereign nation, by Israel prior to negotiations to end the genocide in Gaza. This brutality is a stark reminder of the urgent need for international intervention and accountability.

International Law and Accountability

The ongoing atrocities in Gaza, which have claimed the lives of over 40,000 innocent Palestinians, require thorough investigation and accountability under international law.

Possible mechanisms for justice include prosecutions by the International Criminal Court (ICC), cases brought before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and actions through various United Nations bodies. SUHAKAM supports all efforts to ensure that those responsible for these grave crimes are held accountable.

Geneva Conventions and Humanitarian Law

The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols form the cornerstone of international humanitarian law, protecting civilians and those no longer participating in hostilities. Violations of these conventions, particularly in occupied territories like Gaza, must be addressed urgently. Malaysia, a signatory to the Geneva Convention, has a role in promoting and enforcing these humanitarian principles.

Role of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs)

NHRIs, including SUHAKAM, play a vital role in advocating for human rights and documenting violations. SUHAKAM has consistently condemned the attacks on Palestinians and called for immediate humanitarian aid to Gaza. SUHAKAM supports South Africa’s initiative to bring genocide charges against Israel at the ICJ and remains committed to leveraging Malaysia’s diplomatic influence to promote peace and justice.

SUHAKAM remains and continues to be actively engaged in regional and international forums to support the Palestinian cause. SUHAKAM urges the government to take a much firmer stand in Malaysia’s role in global efforts in the condemnation of all manner of impunity against the tenets of human rights especially those affecting the plight of the Palestinian people.


Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
3 August 2024

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Press Statement No. 14-2024 (OCC)_Enforcement To Control Smoking Product for Public Health Act 2024

KUALA LUMPUR (1 AUGUST 2024) – The Children’s Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) is deeply concerned about the recent incident involving a secondary school student who is in critical condition, suspected of excessive vaping with magic mushroom-laced liquid or gel.

We urge parents and guardians to be vigilant about the dangers and health risks associated with vape-related products. These products, often marketed on social media with bright packaging and appealing flavours, are particularly attractive to young people.

If you know a child who is engaging in vaping, it is crucial to seek help immediately. Government health facilities and other professional organizations offer smoking cessation services that can provide treatment and counselling.

We strongly recommend that the Government intensify efforts to curb the social supply of vapes targeting children and adolescents, with stricter monitoring of illicit sales through social media.

The public are warned on the narratives and promotion of e-cigarettes or vaping as ‘healthier and less harmful’ substitutes for tobacco smokers to quit or reduce cigarette consumption. The battle against tobacco should not be conflated with an introduction of nicotine or other addictive chemical to new users especially children.

The Children’s Commissioner calls for strict enforcement of Section 13 of the Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Act 2023 [Act 852], which prohibits the sale of tobacco or substitute tobacco products to children. Additionally, Section 17 of Act 852 makes it an offence for individuals under 18 to smoke or use any tobacco or substitute tobacco products. The success of these prohibitive measures relies on earnest and serious implementation of the Act.



Penguatkuasaan Kawalan terhadap Produk Merokok bagi Akta Kesihatan Awam 2024

KUALA LUMPUR (1 OGOS 2024) – Pesuruhjaya Kanak-Kanak di Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM) melahirkan rasa kesal dengan berita terbaru mengenai seorang pelajar sekolah menengah yang berada dalam keadaan kritikal kerana disyaki menghisap rokok elektronik dengan cecair atau gel magic mushroom secara berlebihan.

Kami menggesa ibu bapa dan penjaga supaya peka dengan risiko kesihatan yang dikaitkan dengan produk rokok elektronik. Produk ini kebiasaannya dipasarkan di media sosial dengan bungkusan yang terang serta beraneka perisa menarik perhatian khususnya golongan muda.

Ibu bapa dan penjaga yang mendapati anak-anak mereka menghisap rokok elektronik haruslah segera mendapatkan bantuan. Fasiliti kesihatan Kerajaan dan organisasi profesional yang berkaitan menawarkan perkhidmatan berhenti merokok yang terdiri daripada rawatan serta kaunseling.

Kami mengesyorkan supaya Kerajaan memperhebat usaha mengekang bekalan rokok elektronik yang menyasarkan golongan kanak-kanak serta bawah umur dengan pemantauan ketat penjualan yang tidak sah di media sosial.

Di samping itu, orang awam juga diberikan amaran mengenai naratif yang mempromosikan rokok elektronik atau vape sebagai pengganti tembakau yang ‘lebih sihat serta kurang berisiko’ untuk perokok menghentikan tabiat merokok. Perang menentang tembakau ini tidak seharusnya disertai dengan sogokan nikotin atau bahan kimia yang mengakibatkan ketagihan kepada pengguna baru terutamanya sekali kanak-kanak.

Dalam menangani isu ini, Pesuruhjaya Kanak-Kanak menggesa supaya penguatkuasaan Seksyen 13 dalam Akta Kawalan Produk Merokok Demi Kesihatan Awam 2023 [Akta 852] dijalankan dengan lebih ketat lagi bagi menghalang sebarang penjualan produk yang berkaitan dengan tembakau serta nikotin kepada kanak-kanak. Selain daripada itu, Seksyen 17 dalam Akta 852 turut mejadikan perbuatan menghisap atau menggunakan sebarang produk berasaskan tembakau atau produk pengganti tembakau dalam kalangan individu berusia di bawah 18 tahun sebagai satu kesalahan. Kejayaan langkah pencegahan ini berkait rapat dengan ketulusan dan kesungguhan dalam penguatkuasaan Akta ini.


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Press Statement No. 13-2024_SUHAKAM Against Death Sentences in Zulfarhan Case


KUALA LUMPUR (25 JULY 2024) – The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) expresses its deepest condolences to the family of Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain, whose tragic death on June 1, 2017, has profoundly affected the nation. We acknowledge the recent Court of Appeal decision sentencing six former National Defence University of Malaysia (UPNM) cadets to death for the murder of Zulfarhan. While we share in the grief and anguish of the family and recognize the severity of the crime, SUHAKAM stands resolutely against the use of the death penalty.

SUHAKAM believes that the death penalty is not a just or effective solution. The death penalty is a form of punishment that is irreversible and does not allow for the possibility of rehabilitation in the event of judicial error. It also goes against the global movement towards the abolition of capital punishment, which many countries have recognized as inhumane and a violation of fundamental human rights.

The decision by the Court of Appeal to sentence the six cadets to death marks a sad and solemn moment in Malaysia’s judicial history.

In this context, it is essential to emphasize the need for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation can transform offenders into responsible and constructive members of society. This approach not only addresses the root causes of such violent behavior but also helps prevent future occurrences by promoting understanding, empathy, and social responsibility among offenders.

Our commitment to human rights mandates that we advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. SUHAKAM calls upon the Malaysian government to reconsider the use of capital punishment and to continue working towards a justice system that is fair, humane, and just for all.


Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

25 July 2024

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KUALA LUMPUR (12 JULY 2024) – The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) and The Malaysian Bar are delighted to announce a collaborative effort to organise a series of Intensive Human Rights Law and Litigation Training programs for young lawyers and SUHAKAM officers. Beginning in August 2024 and extending through mid-June 2026, these training sessions will be held in Sabah, Penang, and Sarawak.

The training programs will cover a diverse array of critical human rights issues relevant to Malaysia’s socio-political landscape. Topics to be addressed include Statelessness, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Land Encroachment, Children’s and Women’s Rights, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Information, Right to Life, and Freedom of Religion.

The official launch of the training program took place at SUHAKAM’s headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. The ceremony was attended by SUHAKAM Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Seri Mohd Hishamudin Md Yunus and Malaysian Bar President Mr Mohamad Ezri Abdul Wahab, who formally inaugurated the training initiative. The event was also attended by SUHAKAM Commissioners, YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Noor Aziah Mohd Awal, YBhg. Datuk Mariati Robert and YBrs. Dr Chew Chee Ming; Co-Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Bar Council Human Rights Committee, Ms Cassandra Nicole Thomazios and Mr Abang Iwawan; and Mr Eero Oinonen, Political Officer from the Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia.

The primary objective of this training initiative is to instil core human rights values among young lawyers, fostering a commitment to universal human rights principles in Malaysia. Participants will acquire in-depth knowledge of legal frameworks, judicial precedents, and litigation strategies pertinent to human rights issues. SUHAKAM and the Malaysian Bar anticipate that this program will promote engagement with grassroots communities, strengthen civil society organisations (CSOs), and encourage pro bono legal support.

This comprehensive training initiative, which aims to benefit approximately 100 young lawyers and selected SUHAKAM officials, represents a financial commitment of approximately RM250,000. The training is wholly funded by the European Union Grant Project titled “Advancing Human Rights in Malaysia via Strategic Approaches in Education and Awareness Raising.”

The meeting also discussed increasing access to justice for vulnerable populations, prison reforms including measures to counteract prison overcrowding, as well as the ratification of international human rights treaties such as the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT), and the 1951 Refugee Convention. The meeting further discussed strengthening collaboration between SUHAKAM and the Malaysian Bar.

SUHAKAM and the Malaysian Bar are enthusiastic about the positive impact of this training program and are dedicated to nurturing a new generation of human rights advocates committed to advancing social justice and equality in Malaysia.



KUALA LUMPUR (12 JULAI 2024) – Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM) dengan kerjasama Majlis Peguam Malaysia berkolaborasi dalam usaha sama untuk menganjurkan satu siri program Latihan Intensif Perundangan dan Litigasi Hak Asasi Manusia untuk peguam muda dan pegawai SUHAKAM. Sesi latihan ini akan diadakan di Sabah, Pulau Pinang, dan Sarawak bermula pada Ogos 2024 sehingga pertengahan Jun 2026.

Program latihan ini merangkumi pelbagai isu hak asasi manusia yang berkaitan dengan landskap sosio-politik Malaysia. Topik yang akan dibincangkan termasuk Kewarganegaraan, Hak-Hak Orang Asal, Pencerobohan Tanah, Hak Kanak-Kanak dan Wanita, Kebebasan Bersuara, Kebebasan Maklumat, Hak untuk Hidup, dan Kebebasan Beragama.

Majlis perasmian program latihan tersebut telah diadakan di ibu pejabat SUHAKAM di Kuala Lumpur dan dirasmikan oleh Pengerusi SUHAKAM YBhg. Dato’ Seri Mohd Hishamudin Md Yunus dan Presiden Majlis Peguam Malaysia, Encik Mohamad Ezri Abdul Wahab. Majlis ini turut dihadiri oleh Pesuruhjaya SUHAKAM, YBhg. Dato’ Noor Aziah Mohd Awal, YBhg. Datuk Mariati Robert dan YBhg. Dr. Chew Chee Ming; Pengerusi Bersama dan Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Manusia, Cik Cassandra Nicole Thomazios dan Encik Abang Iwawan; dan Encik Eero Oinonen, Pegawai Politik dari Delegasi KesatuanEropah ke Malaysia.

Objektif utama inisiatif latihan ini adalah untuk memupuk nilai-nilai teras hak asasi manusia dalam kalangan peguam muda, serta menggalakkan komitmen kepada prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia sejagat di Malaysia. Para peserta akan mendalami pengetahuan mengenai rangka kerja undang-undang, doktrin duluan kehakiman, dan strategi litigasi yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu hak asasi manusia. SUHAKAM dan Majlis Peguam Malaysia berharap program ini akan dapat meningkatkan penglibatan komuniti akar umbi, mengukuhkan organisasi masyarakat sivil (CSO), dan menggalakkan sokongan bantuan guaman secara pro bono.

Inisiatif latihan komprehensif ini akan memberi manfaat kepada kira-kira 100 peguam muda dan pegawai SUHAKAM yang terpilih melibatkan kos kewangan dianggarkan sebanyak RM250,000. Latihan ini dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh Projek Geran Kesatuan Eropah yang bertajuk “Memajukan HakAsasi Manusia di Malaysia melalui Pendekatan Strategik dalam Pendidikan dan Peningkatan Kesedaran.”

Antara perkara lain yang dibincangkan adalah mengenai isu intuk meningkatkan akses kepada keadilan bagi golongan rentan, reformasi penjara termasuk intervensi dalam menangani kesesakan di penjara,ratifikasi triti hak asasi manusia antarabangsa termasuk Konvensyen Menentang Penyeksaan dan Perlakuan atau Hukuman Lain yang Kejam, Tidak Berperikemanusiaan atau Menjatuhkan Maruab (UNCAT) dan Konvensyen Pelarian 1951 serta memperkukuhkan lagi kerjasama antara SUHAKAM dan Majlis Peguam Malaysia. SUHAKAM dan Majlis Peguam Malaysia amat teruja dengan impak positif program latihan ini dan berdedikasi untuk terus memupuk generasi baharu yang mendukung hak asasi manusia dan komited untuk memajukan keadilan sosial dan kesaksamaan di Malaysia.