Press Statement No.2 -2021 Proclamation of Emergency


KUALA LUMPUR (13 JANUARY 2021)   –   The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) expresses its concern on the Proclamation of Emergency announced recently by the Government, which is currently effective from 11 January 2021 until 1 August 2021.

The Proclamation of Emergency, which was issued to contain COVID-19 is unjustifiable, since the Government has just imposed the movement control orders from 13 until 26 January 2021. SUHAKAM notes that the number of COVID-19 cases has been on the rise since the past few months. However, the current measures undertaken by the Government including the movement control orders and strict adherence to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) by everyone may be sufficient to contain the pandemic. 

SUHAKAM also notes that during the Emergency period, Parliament and the State Legislative Assemblies will be prorogued (suspended) until further notice. SUHAKAM stresses that Parliament is the central institution of democracy and it is a body entrusted with the oversight function to ensure that the Government is fully accountable to the people. In view of the aforementioned announcement, SUHAKAM is concerned about the lack of check and balance on the concentration of executive powers of the Government during the period of Emergency. 

In this regard, SUHAKAM urges the Government to uphold their duty and responsibility to respect the rule of law and continue to protect the fundamental liberties of the citizens as guaranteed under the Federal Constitution in its efforts to contain the pandemic. SUHAKAM emphasises that the state of Emergency should be guided by human rights principles and should not be used for any purpose other than to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. SUHAKAM also calls upon the Government to provide timely and effective measures to support the enjoyment of core economic and social rights of the people, particularly the vulnerable communities affected by the state of Emergency and the movement control orders. These measures include the provision of support for livelihood, food, education, social protection and health.


Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

13 January 2021

Media queries: Contact Mrs. Norashikin Hamzah at 03-2612 5687 / 019-621 5336 or


KUALA LUMPUR (13 JANUARI 2021)   –   Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM) menzahirkan kebimbangan berkenaan pengumuman Proklamasi Darurat oleh Kerajaan baru-baru ini yang bermula daripada 11 Januari 2021 hingga 1 Ogos 2021.

Proklamasi Darurat yang dikeluarkan bagi membendung wabak COVID-19 tidak boleh dijustifikasikan memandangkan Kerajaan baru sahaja melaksanakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan daripada 13 hingga 26 Januari 2021. SUHAKAM mengambil maklum bahawa terdapat peningkatan kes COVID-19 sejak beberapa bulan ini. Walau bagaimanapun, langkah-langkah yang telah diambil oleh Kerajaan termasuk Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan dan pematuhan yang ketat terhadap Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) oleh rakyat dilihat mencukupi untuk membendung penularan wabak tersebut. 

SUHAKAM turut mengambil maklum bahawa dalam tempoh Darurat, Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri akan ditangguhkan (digantung) sehingga dimaklumkan kelak. SUHAKAM menekankan bahawa Parlimen adalah institusi utama demokrasi dan merupakan badan yang diamanahkan dengan fungsi pengawasan bagi memastikan Kerajaan bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap rakyat. Melihat kepada pengumuman ini, SUHAKAM bimbang tentang ketiadaan semak imbang terhadap penumpuan kuasa eksekutif Kerajaan sepanjang tempoh Darurat.

Dalam hal ini, SUHAKAM menggesa Kerajaan agar mendukung tugas dan tanggungjawab mereka dalam menghormati kedaulatan undang-undang dan terus melindungi kebebasan asasi rakyat yang dijamin di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan dalam usaha mengawal wabak ini. SUHAKAM menekankan bahawa Darurat seharusnya berpandukan prinsip hak asasi manusia dan tidak patut digunakan untuk tujuan lain selain daripada menangani wabak COVID-19. SUHAKAM turut menyeru Kerajaan untuk mengatur langkah-langkah yang efektif bagi menyokong pemenuhan hak ekonomi dan sosial rakyat terutamanya golongan rentan yang terjejas oleh Darurat dan perintah kawalan pergerakan. Langkah-langkah ini termasuk peruntukan sokongan kelangsungan hidup, makanan, pendidikan, perlindungan sosial dan kesihatan.


Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

13 Januari 2021

Pertanyaan Media: Sila hubungi Pn. Norashikin Hamzah melalui 03-2612 5687 / 019-621 5336 atau